Our Communities

SolGold believes that strong community relations are fundamental to creating safe, sustainable and successful operations. Since arriving in Ecuador in 2012 SolGold has always placed the highest importance on creating and maintaining open, respectful, proactive and productive relations with all communities within our areas of operation. The priority activities in our community are:

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Stakeholder communication: SolGold hosts introductory meetings with communities within licence areas prior to the commencement of any exploration activities. Hosting regular consultation meetings to listen to and respond to concerns and to generate community-led ideas on how SolGold can actively help to overcome the local issues of concern. Providing educational sessions on exploration and mining to help communities understand the processes and benefits.

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Education and training.

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Socioeconomic Investment.

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Social, cultural and sporting activities in partnership with the local governments of our communities.

2022 Performance

  • 17% Share of procurement budget is spent in our local communities
  • US$820,256 was spent on socioeconomic development projects
  • 9 Grievances were reported all satisfactorily resolved
  • 1,660 Stakeholder meetings were held in our communities
Cafe Cascabel
Cascabel Bakery
Bee Keepers

Cafe Cascabel 

The objective of the Cafe Cascabel initiative is to promote entrepreneurship in the production f coffee that can be commercialised as a product of quality. The beneficiaries of this project include 113 producers living in the local parishes of Lita, La Carolina and Jacinto Jijon

Cascabel Bakery

An enterprise that integrates women of Santa Cecilia into the economy of their community. A project created in collaboration with the Mayor’s Office of Ibarra. Prior to this bakery, people from the village of Santa Cecilia had to travel two hours to buy bread. Today, the Cascabel Bakery is a thriving enterprise, run by only women, that serves the local community around the Cascabel project.


The objective of this honey initiative is to promote the development of communities through beekeeping. The beneficiaries include 12 families of the local parishes of Lita and La Carolina.