
SolGold operates in some of the world’s most beautiful jurisdictions, and we recognise our responsibility to protect our planet so that it remains healthy and vibrant for future generations. We take a ‘Zero Harm’ approach to environmental management with a focus on the following priority areas:

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SolGold was one of the first 100 pioneering companies to join the Zero Carbon Ecuador Program (“PECC”) promoted by the Ministry of the Environment, Water and Ecological Transition. The initiative seeks the active participation of industry to achieve a carbon emissions reduction target of 22.5% by 2025 for the country.

2022 Performance

  • 2,180 MtCO2 Scope 1 emissions
  • 52 MtCO2 Scope 2 emissions
  • 0.08 MTCO2 GHG intensity per metre drilled
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SolGold’s approach to water management is to make efficient use of the resource, complying with the provisions of the Company’s Environmental Policy and current environmental regulations in Ecuador.

2022 Performance

  • 61.53m3 total water withdrawals
  • 14.47m3 total water discharge
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SolGold’s approach to waste management is to distinguish between hazardous and non-hazardous waste and to follow a compliant waste management procedure, including characterisation, use, and final disposal.

2022 Performance

  • Zero: Hazardous waste to landfill
  • 100% organic waste is processed for composting
  • 50.54 tonnes general waste to landfill
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SolGold uses the International Union for Nature Conservation (“IUCN”) to identify Red List species to actively monitor the flora and fauna in the areas where we operate.

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SolGold are committed to rehabilitating all the intervened land from drilling operations. There are currently 35 drilling platform areas due to be rehabilitated measuring 0.42 Hectares.

2022 Performance

  • 4,979 Hectares of company managed land
  • 0.34 Hectares of land rehabilitated in 2022
Water Monitoring
Soil Sampling

On average 40,000 plants are grown every year for farming and reforestation.

The 1 Million trees nursery benefits 250 local families annually.

5 Community members are employed at the 1 Million trees nursery.

Recycling organic waste generated on site is used as compost for the garden where plants for the reforestation project are cultivated.

The team has rehabilitated 75% of the areas affected by Advanced Exploration at Cascabel.
